“Is inspection on an RV a ‘thing’?”

A Professional 3rd party inspection is becoming the norm for RVs just like home inspections are. Having owned over a dozen RV’s and inspected hundreds (new and used), I can say without reservation “Every single RV sold should have an NRVIA certified professional 3rd party inspection.”

Inspections take from 5 to 7 hours and include over 400 items. So much so, that many banks and insurance companies, as well as RV rental companies require an inspection by an NRVIA Certified Inspector (click here to find one near you)

RVs go through the equivalent of a 7.0 Magnitude earthquake when traveling, so things can come loose or leak. They can have 2 or 3 separate electrical systems, freshwater and wastewater systems, and several appliances. RV’s require annual and semi-annual maintenance. There’s a lot that can go wrong, and verifying all of them work or have been maintained takes time and should be left to someone trained and certified.

A smart RV buyer wants a knowledgeable, trustworthy, trained set of eyes with “meters and testers” to go through their next RV like a fine-tooth comb for peace of mind before they incur travel expenses to pick it up and mitigate troubles showing up later. The excitement of a new RV can cloud even the most knowledgeable critical buyer. Also, “covid-builds” and new RV manufacturing methods have widely known quality issues, meaning even new RV’s need a 3rd party inspection.

“But I’m buying a new RV, does it need inspecting?”

Many RV Dealers do a PDI (Pre-Delivery Inventory), but that’s NOT a 3rd party independent inspection. Rarely is their PDI done by someone trained and certified to inspect, and they don’t spend 5 to 7 hours on an RV as I do, inspecting over 400 points. For example, a recent Customer had me inspect a new 5th wheel RV, and even though the Dealer’s PDI report had all items checked as acceptable, I found a leaking water pump, a 1″ gap in the roof sealant, and a malfunctioning propane regulator!

Each of those could have turned RVing fun into frustration! A costly trip back to the Dealer and waiting months for their remedy. Let me help minimize your frustration and give you a peace of mind.

This recent report found 85% of new RV’s inspected by a trained inspector had issues! This isn’t a slam on the dealer (who are often over-worked and short-handed), it’s a reality of the industry.

“But I don’t want to make the Dealer or Seller mad about having the RV inspected”

Decent Dealers want your (and your friend’s) repeat business, so ensuring you are satisfied is just good business helping their bottom line, not take away from it. Decent Dealers welcome an NRVIA Certified Inspector, they know it helps their business and helps you! My inspections make the Dealer look good and you happy. In fact, several Dealers have me inspect their top inventory RV’s.

My inspections include numerous use and maintenance suggestions. Using my 32 years of experience as an RVer and RV Technician, I offer advice that helps you and impresses any Dealer favorably. I even give you part numbers and links to your Amazon of where to purchase maintenance items and parts.

If major issues are found during the inspection, most Dealers of a new RV will be reimbursed by the manufacturer, and they want them found now, before the RV leaves their lot. I’m not a nit-picky detriment to the sale because most issues are simple maintenance issues and I will tell YOU how to take care of them and not bother the Dealer at all. You need to know how to do those anyway, and I will teach you.

By the way, who is spending hard-earned money on the RV? You are, and you don’t want to be taken advantage of, and you don’t want to buy some headaches. In which case you would rather walk away from those major problems than find them out too late. Keeping the RV purchase event above board and honest, and you having peace of mind, is worth the price of the inspection, and enhances the integrity of the Dealer.

“How much does a full inspection cost?”

The price depends on your RV type, size, and amenities, once known, I can quickly give you a quote if you contact me.

“But can you give me a ballpark price??”

OK, here’s rough estimates, but for a firm price, I need to know your model number and how far I need to travel:

  • Travel Trailer, Pop-Up, or Pickup Camper $690
  • 5th Wheel $790
  • Class B or C Motorhome $790
  • Class A or Super C Motorhome $970

“What do I get for the money?”

An online and printable report within minutes of the inspection with the issues I find on the first page or two. The serious issues I put on ONE PAGE you can show just that to the Dealer or Seller. The rest of the report is detailed information of over 120 pages and over 120 photos. It’s not overwhelming, but VERY informative showing actual readings and giving numerous maintenance tips and advice with specific photos notating what I’m describing. I also give Amazon links to the suggested products.
Here’s a few items I do:

  • A VIN search for reported recalls and incidences.
  • Around 500 points of inspection, results documented, many with pictures.
  • I get on the roof and inspect everything up there, on my hands and knees.
  • Roof membrane and penetration seals are thoroughly examined.
  • Side seals and window/door seals and proper operation.
  • Slideout operation and seals test, including proper alignment, and lubrication.
  • Delta T tests on the air conditioners for proper performance.
  • Furnace and water heater operation and proper temperatures achieved.
  • Hot skin test. (voltage to frame)
  • Propane pressure and leak test using a certified manometer, and sniffer.
  • Water pump and pressure test.
  • Battery load and state of health tests, with a printout.
  • Wiring voltage, frequency, polarity tests, and GFCI operation trip test.
  • Emergency trailer brake pull-test.
  • Brake lights, turn signals, clearance lights tested (if tow vehicle is available).
  • Refrigerator operating and temperature tests.
  • Converter and battery charger output test.
  • Generator output and frequency tests under partial load (if equipped).
  • All safety features are tested for compliance, are up to date, and operating properly.
  • Class A, B, C RVs should have a fluid analysis by a Laboratory done, but are extra, see below**.

“My RV is older” or “I want mine looked over by a Pro”

Many people want a knowledgeable set of eyes to just give their camper a once-over to make sure things are safe and working. Or when brought out of storage prior to camping season. That’s why I offer a Basic Safety and Wellness Overview on an RV you already own. This is also what I do for some rentals or extended warranties.

I spend 2 hours with the RV and hand you a 50-point written report giving a grade to each item with specific notes. I check and test each safety item for proper operation and expiration date, I then go over the report with you and give you some maintenance advice. If you want, I can perform the service required if you like right then and there. Click Here For A Report Example

BASIC Safety & Wellness Overview Pricing:
  • Used Travel Trailer, Pop-Up, or Pickup Camper $289*
  • Used 5th Wheel $349*
  • Used Class B or C Motorhome $349*
  • Used Class A or Super C Motorhome $399*

*Prices include up to 30 miles travel from my location to your RV (see “Where’s Kevin” to the right), each additional mile is $1.5 more. Please contact me for a written estimate.
It is highly suggested the coach be connected to full hook-ups during the overview. A partial down payment is required to secure a schedule, and the remainder upon delivery of the report.
Prices effective until 7/1/2025.

Do all you can to make sure your RV time is fun, not frustrating… have every RV you purchase inspected.

I adhere to the full and strict Code of Standard Practice, and Code of Ethics as adopted and required by the NRVIA.

Contact me today for a piece of mind on an RV you are considering purchasing, or even if you are wanting to sell yours and want to hand the potential buyer a detailed unbiased report to help along the sale.