• Tips Keeping RVing Fun

    Most Frequent RV Maintenance Items

    Most RV maintenance items are once per year, however several are to be done about once per month, or at each camping trip! Here’s the top 10 frequent maintenance items on most RV’s:

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  • Tips Keeping RVing Fun

    RV Holding Tank Issues?

    If you answer “yes” to any of these, your RV tanks need professionally cleaned! Your RV holding tanks can hide some “substances” we would rather ignore. But ignoring can “catch up to you” and cause frustrating or costly problems. Most RV holding tanks accumulate one or more of 5 different “substances”: I have pictures of each of the above, but you’ll probably thank me for not posting them. However, I do show them in my “RV Tips From A Tech” seminar. There is a solution! Pressure washing the inside of your tanks and piping with between 2,000 psi and 3,000 psi. It’s safe and effective to remove all of the…

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  • Tips Keeping RVing Fun

    Wish I Knew Those Too (2)

    The “Wish I Knew” post was such a success, I thought I would post another four items resulting from RV repair service calls where the owner said, “Oops, I wish I knew that beforehand!” The dreaded poop pyramid.Yes, I said it, and most all of us have had it…the black tank seems full, but doesn’t drain. Most of the time that happens, there is a pile or pyramid of “stuff” in the black tank just below the toilet drain and it just sits there, not going down the sewer hose. To get rid of that pile, you need to use this flexible spray wand  that goes on the end of…

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