• Tips Keeping RVing Fun

    RV De-Winterizing Must-Do’s

    If your RV was in storage for the winter, your summer camping fun can quickly become frustrating if de-winterizing isn’t done correctly & thoroughly. This is the time to check and maintain SEVERAL items to hopefully prevent problems from showing up later. Here’s how to dewinterize, including Amazon links to items I suggest: RV’s should be fun, not frustrating, so keep camping fun by properly maintaining them, or hiring me to do these for you…which is always cheaper than repairs or problems or damage later. Let me know if I can help you do these, or teach you how! OH! If this was helpful, I would appreciate a positive Google…

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  • Tips Keeping RVing Fun

    RV Sewer Hose Tips

    While staying at an RV park or campground with sewer hookups, there are do’s and don’ts many RVers don’t do. Here’s some advice and a photo to illustrate the tips so your RVing will be fun, not frustrating! Want to learn more? I can come to your RV and train you on your specific RV use and maintenance, CLICK HERE for more information and cost.

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  • Tips Keeping RVing Fun

    Most Frequent RV Maintenance Items

    Most RV maintenance items are once per year, however several are to be done about once per month, or at each camping trip! Here’s the top 10 frequent maintenance items on most RV’s:

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  • Tips Keeping RVing Fun

    The Best Holding Tank Treatment?

    “What additive is best for my RV holding tank?” is probably the most asked question I get, especially when I’m hydro-jet high-pressure cleaning RV tanks. Searching Facebook or YouTube will result in about as many tank treatments or advice as there are RVs. recommendations are as varied as the stars in the sky, suggesting store-bought liquids, powders, or packets, and even various homemade recipes. When asked what to use, I always answer “water”.  Seriously, water is your best tank additive, and most RV tank problems are due to not having enough water.  When you dump your black tank and close the valve, always fill at least two toilet bowls full…

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  • Tips Keeping RVing Fun

    RV Holding Tank Issues?

    If you answer “yes” to any of these, your RV tanks need professionally cleaned! Your RV holding tanks can hide some “substances” we would rather ignore. But ignoring can “catch up to you” and cause frustrating or costly problems. Most RV holding tanks accumulate one or more of 5 different “substances”: I have pictures of each of the above, but you’ll probably thank me for not posting them. However, I do show them in my “RV Tips From A Tech” seminar. There is a solution! Pressure washing the inside of your tanks and piping with between 2,000 psi and 3,000 psi. It’s safe and effective to remove all of the…

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  • Tips Keeping RVing Fun

    Maintenance Products Every RVer Needs

    Each RV Owner knows (or learns quickly) their RV requires maintenance. Costly service calls or frustrating Dealer scheduling can many times be avoided if maintenance is kept up. **Please disable your browser’s ad-blocker if images do not display** When I teach Camper College, we go through a Maintenance Sheet Handout specific to your rig. Several RV Specific Maintenance Products are mentioned on that sheet and in the class, along with how to use them, how often to check, why you should, and the signs you need to use them to help prevent damage or failure. (by the way, contact me to schedule your personal Camper College) Annual RV maintenance is…

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  • Tips Keeping RVing Fun

    Wish I Knew That About My Schwintek Slide

    I receive several service calls per week from stranded RVers with panic in their voice because one of their RV slides will not retract, and I often hear “…and our check-out time at the RV park is in 30 minutes!”  The two most popular types of RV slides take periodic maintenance, but most RV Dealers don’t tell you that, nor how to maintain them. This post is about the most common of those, the Lippert (LCI) In-Wall or Thin-Wall “Schwintek” type.  In this photo, you can see the notable Schwintek aluminum gear tracks: My service calls are not because they are an inferior system (I actually like them best), but…

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  • Tips Keeping RVing Fun

    Wish I Knew Those Too (2)

    The “Wish I Knew” post was such a success, I thought I would post another four items resulting from RV repair service calls where the owner said, “Oops, I wish I knew that beforehand!” The dreaded poop pyramid.Yes, I said it, and most all of us have had it…the black tank seems full, but doesn’t drain. Most of the time that happens, there is a pile or pyramid of “stuff” in the black tank just below the toilet drain and it just sits there, not going down the sewer hose. To get rid of that pile, you need to use this flexible spray wand  that goes on the end of…

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  • Tips Keeping RVing Fun

    Wish I Knew…

    RV service calls are expensive and many of them can be avoided.  When repairing an RV, I often hear “Oops, wish I knew that!” when I explain the issue could have been avoided.  At risk of losing business, and keeping with my theme of “RVing should be fun, not frustrating”, here are 4 things you should do (or not do) to avoid calling a costly mobile technician: RV refrigerators have to be level. Most RV’s have an absorption style of refrigerator. They can run on either 120 volt AC and propane. They heat a chemical liquid in a tank that turns to gas, which rises to the upper back of…

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  • Tips Keeping RVing Fun

    7 RV Essentials YouTubers Don’t Mention

    Most of us learn a LOT watching YouTube videos about RV’ing, and when it comes to essential items you need for your RV, most of them tell of very similar products. However, as an RV Inspector and maintenance/repair Technician, I know of several items they never mention (all are surprisingly inexpensive and common items). Here are 7 items in no particular order you probably have never heard of as being essential to RV’ing, but after reading this will agree they are a must-have to help your RV’ing continue to be fun, not frustrating. Most of these are Amazon Affiliate Links where you don’t pay any more for the item, but…

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